Join us every week this Fall, starting Aug 26
Tuesdays, 7pm - Sound & Silence
Wednesdays, 5:15pm - Evening Prayer
Wednesdays - Community Supper
Small Group(s) announced soon

In the midst of all the other ministries happening at Canterbury, we have at our heart a community of prayer.
We're a place for the spiritually curious and the institutionally suspicious.
We're a home for Episcopalians looking for a community of peers at their university.
We're a waypoint for young adults figuring out where they stand in relationship to the faith they grew up with.
We're a place where people whose deep commitment to following Jesus and love of the church tradition have also led them to a place of wanting a community that works to put Jesus’s values into practice.
Following God's continual refrain of caring for the widow, the orphan, and the stranger in your midst (Deut 14, Ps 146:9, among many, many others), we are committed to confronting the realities of white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia in our world and in our own hearts. As such, in our public gatherings we will not welcome conversation as to whether these things exist but how God may be calling us to respond to them (though if you're in a place)
Even if you aren't an attendee of this part (and many people around Canterbury are not!), we hope you know that the ministries we provide our community stem from a deep sense of commitment to following God's call for our lives and being good stewards of the resources we have been given.
Weekly Events
Wednesday Evening Prayer - Wednesdays at 5:15pm
Our main service!
Our service is mostly Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer, slightly modified for more expansive language about God when it comes to gender.
Sound & Silence: Contemplative Music and Contemplative Silence
Tuesdays at 7pm
Every week we gather to pair contemplative music and contemplative silence.
Every religious tradition has a relationship with silent practice. Even if your worldview is entirely secular, studies abound not only on the benefits of silence but the distinct experience of a group practicing silence together.
You may bring whatever your silent practice is.
Twice a month we also invite guest artists to join us in providing the music that brings us in and out of our time of silence. You can learn more and check out our schedule here.
Small Group at Canterbury
As a chance to go deeper, most semesters we gather as a small group. This has sometimes looked like Bible study, sometimes looked like a reading group, sometimes looked like exploring different spiritual practices. The subject and the meeting time shift every semester based on who is coming and where everyone's interests lie. Details for this semester will get posted soon as they are set. If you're interested, please reach out and get in on the planning conversation.
Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Care
At any time our chaplain is available to talk. If you've got a question that's been gnawing at you, a growing sense of call you'd like to talk out, something you've been puzzling over since last week's Bible Study, a personal crisis or conflict, or even just want to talk more about life with no real agenda, our chaplain is available and happy to take you out for coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or what have you.
Shoot him an email here. Or just ask when you see him next.