Join us every week this Fall, starting Aug 26
Tuesdays, 7pm - Sound & Silence
Wednesdays, 5:15pm - Evening Prayer
Wednesdays - Community Supper
Small Group(s) announced soon
*No Preparation Necessary* Reading Group! We gather at 4 and have some time to read the day’s selection together. This fall’s theme is “The Enchantment of Mammon: Why Capitalism is a False Religion” examining the moral and spiritual emptiness of capitalism from a specifically Christian Leftist lens.
Also I usually make scones.
Tuesdays, 4pm
Every other Tuesday, 8pm
We gather at Canterbury House to talk about God, life, the Spirit, and queer issues and joys. Last summer we read the book Transforming by Austen Hartke. For the Fall we’ll be starting with some articles then having a conversation on the direction we’d like the group to take.
This semester we’ll be doing a (Re)Introduction to Jesus. Whether you have an advanced degree in the subject or have never actually sat down to read any of the Gospels before, we’ll be walking through Jesus’s teachings.